SVCSI Main Programs for UNiSEC

Summer Research Camp
SVCSI provides a unique opportunity for undergraduate students and high school students to work with our faculty across the USA in edge-cutting cybersecurity projects. It is a paid internship job for undergraduate students. They will have close one-to-one mentorship from our cybersecurity faculty at SVCSI.
Annual Conference (SVCC)
SVCSI hosts the Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference (SVCC) which is an annual conference in the Bay Area to bring together researchers, practitioners, educators, underrepresented communities, and others interested in the latest advances in the security of computer systems and networks.

It is a cybersecurity Hackathon, called CyberWarrior, for professionals, college students, and high school students. Through hands-on exercises, we train all-level groups for cybersecurity workforce development.
Mentorship Programs
SVCSI provides various tutorial/training sessions to educate groups in diverse new emerging areas including machine learning, deep learning, biosecurity, blockchain, cloud, and so on. Also, through a bi-monthly seminar from industry and academia and cohort-based programs, we promote up-to-date cybersecurity trends for our community in cybersecurity fields.

Industry Hands-on Programs
SVCSI aims to invite the industry to share cybersecurity techniques and visions for our community. SVCSI aims to adapt new industry perspectives for our cybersecurity research and education. We can see programs through our annual conference (SVCC), mentorship programs, bi-monthly seminars, and so on.
Career Consulting
Our SVCSI members can advise their careers for any groups who are interested in developing their future careers in cybersecurity. Mentees are not limited to STEM majors. Non-STEM major users are also welcome to join our community.

Advising Long-term Research Projects
It is a long-term research program at SVCSI. Through intensive interactions and activities, SVCSI enables our community to collaborate with each other in a cybersecurity project with any groups.
Cybersecurity for All
SVCSI encourages young engineers to play a vital role in protecting the security and integrity of sensitive data for both industry and government. As the world becomes increasingly digital, the need for cybersecurity professionals is greater than ever before. Your work will not only help safeguard important information but also help prevent cyber attacks that could have devastating consequences. By dedicating yourself to this field, you are not only ensuring your own success but also contributing to the safety and security of society as a whole. Your work truly matters, and we are excited to see the impact you will make in the world.

CyberScholar Programs
SVCSI provides a scholarship to support students for their cybersecurity career development. We can also support students to attend cybersecurity conferences, workshops, and tutorials by covering the registration fees.
CyberAm: Cybersecurity Ambassadors
SVCSI recruits cybersecurity ambassadors, called CyberAm, to promote cybersecurity activities and awareness into their communities. The CyberAm includes K-12 students and college students who are interested in cybersecurity.