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Cybersecurity HACKATHON

Sat, Dec 19



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Cybersecurity HACKATHON
Cybersecurity HACKATHON

Time & Location

Dec 19, 2020, 9:00 AM


About the Event

Hackathons bring tech-savvy people together in a collaborative setting to solve problems, advance a technology or produce another type of positive outcome. One of the issues hackathons can address is cybersecurity. On December 19, 2020 (Saturday), this conference organizes two hackathon events in network security and blockchain security. Based on your interested security problem, you can register one of the hackathon event. The detailed instructions will be given during the conference dates. You cannot participate in both hackathon events together because of time conflicts. The number of seats is limited to 100 for the network security hackathon track 1. Please reserve your spot with small registration fee ($10) which will be refundable to you after you participate in hackathon. If you didn’t participate in this hackathon after registration, you cannot get refund from us because your registration makes another student lose the chance of participation and learning.

Our prize is Amazon gift cards!

We will select the grand, the first, the second, the third place, and several honor places for each track in this Hackathon competition depending on the available funding. However, we will post the winners on our websites up to the third place.

The award is supported by the conference sponsors and San Jose State University. Thank you so much!!!

Registration Deadline (Free): November 30, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. (PTD).

Please reserve your spot today for this student Hackathon event through CS ROOM, which is our SVCSI learning platform.

  • Track 1 - Network Security Hackathon (NSH): The number of seats is only 100 due to the platform capacity. Please reserve your seat if you want to participate in.Grand Prize ($500), First Place ($300), Second Place ($200), Third Place ($100), Honors ($50 for each).
  • Track 2 - Blockchain Hackathon on EthereumGrand Prize ($800), First Place ($500), Second Place ($300), Third Place ($200), Honors ($50 for each).
  • (BSH): Each team has two students. Each of the two students in the same team needs to register this blockchain hackathon event separately. But, when you register this blockchain track, please leave your note about your partner (name, affiliation, email address.)

Hacking Network Systems supported by Cisco

  • Cisco Hackathon Chairs & Judges:Anand Kanani, Technical Solutions Architect at Cisco Younghee Park (SJSU), Michael Tjebben, (CISCO) This network security hackathon utilizes the Cisco Capture-the-Flag virtual platform. The detailed information will be given to only participants before the event. Hackathon Day for Network Security: December 19, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Event starting time: 12/19/2020 at 9 a.m. Event ending time: 12/19/2020 at 3 p.m. Award Announcement: 12/19/2020 at 3:30 p.m. Each student can participate in each stage. The decision will be automatically made by the real-time point system whenever a participant capture the flag. However, the honor places will not be based on the score only. Judges can select the most hard workers during the competition without give-ups.

Hacking Ethereum

We provide two dAPPs on Ethereum. Each student team needs to provide a solution for a specific challenging problem given by the hackathon organizers on 12/17/2020 at 6 p.m. The registered users must attend our free blockchain tutorial session on 12/17/2020 at 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. to understands the problem set in advance. Each student has programming skills (especially solidity) and understand Ethereum before the tutorial session.The number of students per team: 2 Video recording submission about your presentation and demo within 5 minutes. Submit your code and presentation slides through DropBox. (We will share our DropBox link later.) Event starting time: 12/18/2020 at 9 a.m. Event ending time: 12/19/2020 at 3:30 p.m. Award Announcement: We will announce the final winner within 3 days after the event because we need to evaluate each team. We will post the list here on our website. Blockchain Track JudgesJudge Chair: Sang-Yoon Chang at UCCS and Gokay Saldamli at SJSU Committee for Blockchain HackathonDivyesh Jadav, IBM Research Elizabeth K, Ethereum Classic Labs Zane Starr, Ethereum Classic Labs Sang-Yoon Chang, University of Colorado Colorado Spring Gokay Saldamli, San Jose State University Thomas Austin, San Jose State University Dan Nolan ChainShot, Inc.

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